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Q: What idea originated from Charles Darwin?
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What survival of the fittest is an idea promoted by?

c. Charles Darwin

Who proposed the idea of survival of the fittest is a theory of evolution?

Charles Darwin. Also known as Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

What did Charles Darwin work out?

Darwin originated the idea that living things evolve by the means of natural selection. He discovered that species change over time and that they adapt to their habitats. He wrote the Origin of the Species, which caused a lot of controversy.

What was Charles Darwin's job?

Darwin is the father of evolution. He was a scientist. He was also a writer. He popularized the idea of natural selection.

What did Charles Darwin achieve in his research?

he achieved the idea of darwinism

Was Charles Darwin insane?

He was a brilliant man with just a dumb idea

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I have no idea. Charles darwin? (perfect answer for everything)

What did Charles Darwin popularized?

Darwin is the father of evolution. He popularized the idea of natural selection. He also opposed slavery.

Was Charles Darwin name Charles?

Charles Darwin's name was Charles Robert Darwin.

Why is Charles Darwin important?

He postulated the idea of evolution with his book: The Origin of Species.

Which scientist destroyed the idea of the immutability of species?

charles darwin

Who wrote about evolution?

Charles Darwin is best known for his work on the theory of evolution, outlined in his book "On the Origin of Species" published in 1859. Darwin proposed the idea of natural selection as the mechanism for evolutionary change.