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A yard stick

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Q: What has three feet but does not walk?
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How many yards will i walk if i walk 2112 ft?

There are three feet in a yard. 2112 feet divided by 3 feet per yard equals 704 yards.

What has three feet but cannot walk?

A tripod?

How many feet can a three toed sloth walk in 1 day?

not very many feet, i am afraid ull have to get over it

How many feet are considered out of the lane according to the 3-second rule in basketball?

You have to have both of your feet out of the lane. For instance, if you have both your feet in for 2 1/2 seconds and walk out and then walk back in, you won't get a three second call.

Do chimpanzees walk on there feet?

Sometimes they do walk on their feet but sometimes they walk on all fours.

Do monkeys walk?

Yes, monkeys can walk with two feet but normally they walk with four feet.

Can a crocrodile walk?

they walk by using there feet to walk on land

What has three feet yet cannot walk?

A Yard - old English measurement dating from medieval times. 12" = 1 foot 3 feet = 1 yard

Can kolas walk on two feet?

No, kolas can not walk on two feet only adult kolas could. If the grown up mother has a baby then she or he could walk on there feet.

What do you walk with?

Your feet

How many feet do people walk in a minute?

Humans walk approximately 272.8 feet/minute.

Why do people walk on two feet?

People need something that we can walk on, and the way our body is shaped proves that it is only right to walk on our feet.