White Horse Eagle has written:
'We Indians' -- subject(s): Indians of North America
Steller's sea eagle, white tailed eagle, African fish eagle, Pallas fish eagle, Sanford's sea eagle. All are in the genus Haliaeetus.
A black horse absorbs more heat from the sun due to its dark color compared to a white horse, which reflects more sunlight. This makes the black horse feel hotter in the sun compared to the white horse.
A sea eagle, mostly the white-tailed eagle (also called erne or ern).
A horse that is white any other colour exept black is called skewbald :)
Henry IV's horse has usually been depicted as a white horse in historical accounts and artistic representations. However, the exact color of his horse may vary depending on the artist's interpretation.
Diana White Horse Capp has written: 'Brother against brother'
Edward William Ryan has written: 'The White eagle'
Reginald White has written: 'Ancient Epsom' -- subject(s): Horse racing, Horseracing, Roads
Charles Leroy Zimmerman has written: 'White Eagle, chief of the Poncas' -- subject(s): Ponca Indians
Melvin Richard Ellis has written: 'Wild Horse Killers' 'Flight of the White Wolf'
Ron Liddiard has written: 'Gin and Ginger: Lifetime Spent Farming in the Vale of the White Horse'
John Hadow has written: 'The village of Woolstone in the Vale of the White Horse' -- subject- s -: History, Villages
Ben Merkle has written: 'The White Horse King' -- subject(s): Kings and rulers, Biography, Anglo-Saxons, History
Jack House has written: 'The spirit of White Horse' -- subject(s): White Horse Distillers Limited 'The lang toun' 'Glasgow old and new' 'The heart of Glasgow' 'Portrait of the Clyde' 'The romance of Murray' -- subject(s): Murray (Firm)
Howard Nutt has written: 'Special laughter'
Gavin White has written: '\\'
Jack White has written: 'Jack White'