Well I certain don't hope you would eat a live rodent! But if it was a rodent that had been dead for some amount of time and was rotting it probably wasn't a healthy food choice. Of the rodent was sick or had viruses on it (most animals do) then you may become sick. If u get extremely sick go to the doctor because it could be a deadly virus
Either a centipede or a millipede.
A millipede belongs to the class Diplopoda in the animal kingdom.
We all laugh
"Millie" would be a cute and fitting name for a pet millipede.
A millipede is an invertebrate. A reptile is a vertebrate. I am afraid a millipede is far from being a reptile.
yes the do big ones eat small ones
you could die
Yes it does
Actually they eat live leaves (green).
They will get high, eat more candy bars and sleep.
If the cat is bitten by the millipede while eating it, the cat could become very ill. The cat will need to be taken to a vet for treatment.
A spider may wait in tunnels for a millipede to pass and then eat it. They are eaten by other big insects like scorpions or lobsters. So their predators are basically any animal that eats or likes to eat arthropods.
A spider may wait in tunnels for a millipede to pass and then eat it. They are eaten by other big insects like scorpions or lobsters. So their predators are basically any animal that eats or likes to eat arthropods.
To accidentally do something is when something happens by mistake.
Assuming that the millipedes are not toxic or venomous; yes mice can eat millipedes and other bugs of that sort.
I lost count on the millipede's legs! That millipede should not be blue.