a rabbit can eat:
timothy hay
Bok Choy
Brussels Sprouts
Green Peppers
Peppermint Leaves
Radish Tops
Raspberry Leaves
Wheat Grass
you know their vegatarians
Rabbits can eat a variety of foods including hay, fresh vegetables (like leafy greens and carrots), and commercial rabbit pellets. It's important to avoid giving them high-sugar or high-starch foods, as well as foods that are toxic to rabbits such as chocolate, onions, and rhubarb. Additionally, make sure to introduce new foods gradually to prevent digestive issues.
no rabbits eat carrots
Most rabbits dig for food, but others sometimes get given it. They either eat fruit and vegetables from someone's garden, find their food on the ground (fruit dropping from trees), eat grass, or find fields which are growing (corn, wheat, etc.).Normally they eat grass, but mostly vegetation.Wild rabbits will eat any type of edible plants, and will also eat twigs and bark.Wild rabbits get their food by foraging and grazing. Wild European Rabbits eat mostly grasses and leaves. Other species have slightly different diets, but all rabbits are herbivores and eat plants only.Pet rabbits are given their food. They eat mostly hay, with some pellets and leafy green vegetables.Fruit is not a big part of any rabbit's diet. Too much fruit can quickly make a rabbit very sick (even deathly ill: GI stasis).
It is not recommended to feed rabbits dog food as their dietary requirements are different. Rabbits need a high-fiber diet, primarily consisting of hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of pellets specifically formulated for them. Dog food may not provide the necessary nutrients needed for a rabbit's health.
English rabbits typically eat a variety of fruits such as apples, strawberries, and raspberries. It is important to feed them fruits in moderation to avoid digestive issues.
This plant is not generally used for food by humans or animals. It has been noted that rabbits will eat pachysandra.
food chain
Carrots would be the only food that I know of that both rabbits and humans eat
Yes but it's better for Rabbits to eat Rabbit food,Grass,Hay,And carrots and such
no rabbits eat carrots
yes it is because rabbits only eat carrots to help them see so that they can seek for food
Rabbits, Squirrels, and Rats. Rabbits Eat their food. Rats steel their nests, and Squirrels eat them
No rabbits like to eat plants.
Rabbits and deer are herbivores and will not eat meat.
a food web shows animals that eat consumers and producers, and it shows several animals that eat the same thing say: rabbits and cows eat grass, foxes eat rabbits, humans eat rabbits and cows, if you get what i mean? a food chain is like: grass-->rabbit-->fox. hope this answer helped :)
They ate rabbit food