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That would be the appendix.

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Q: What feature in the human cecum is lacking in the fetal pig?
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What feature of the human cecum is lacking in the fetal pig?

The human cecum has a vermiform appendix, which is lacking in the fetal pig. The vermiform appendix is a small, finger-like projection located at the junction of the small and large intestines in humans, serving as a reservoir for beneficial gut bacteria.

What features of the human cecum is lacking in the cat?

The appendix is the feature of the human cecum that isn't found in cats. Although the human appendix doesn't have a determined function, some scientists speculate that it produces and protects beneficial bacteria.

What part of the human soft palate is lacking in the fetal pig?

The part of the human soft palate that is lacking in the fetal pig is the uvula. In humans, the uvula is an extension of the soft palate.

Is the umbilical vein a unique feature of the human fetal circulation?

Yes. Unique means "the only" in Latin.

What are the differences between a fetal chick and a fetal human?

A fetal chick grows into a chicken, whereas a fetal human grows into a human.

What structure in the human is analogous to the cecum?


How does the human stomach compare to that of the fetal pig?

The human stomach is bigger than the fetal pig's. This of course is if the human is an adult human.

What are the classifications within the pregnancy category?

The pregnancy category classifications are as follows: Category A: Adequate and well-controlled studies have shown no risk to the fetus. Category B: Animal studies have not shown a risk, but human studies are lacking. Category C: Animal studies have shown adverse effects, but human studies are lacking. Category D: Positive evidence of risk exists, but benefits may outweigh risks in certain situations. Category X: Contraindicated in pregnancy due to evidence of risk to the fetus.

How do you spell cecum?

Cecum is the correct spelling for the human body part related to the large intestine.It is also known as caecum. Both words are accepted.

Compare the relative lengths and paths of the uterine tubes of the fetal pig and the human.?

compare the relative lengths and paths of the uterine tubes of the fetal pig and in the human

What is a category D pregnancy drug?

Category A: Controlled human studies have demonstrated no fetal risk.

What is the medical term meaning malformed animal or human in the fetal stage?

TERATISM- Means A congenital malformation or anomaly. A malformed animal or human especially in the fetal stage.