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Sea anemones:

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Cnidaria

Class: Anthozoa

Order: Actiniaria

Family: Cnidarian

Genus: Actinia fragacea

Species: Sea anemone

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12y ago
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12y ago

A "sea urchin" in general does not have a family. It is classified only down to class. If it were a particular type, it would depend on the type of sea urchin it was.

KINGDOM: Animalia

PHYLUM: Echinodermata

CLASS: Echinoidea

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3mo ago

Sea anemones belong to the class Anthozoa within the phylum Cnidaria.

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14y ago
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14y ago

they belong to the babadae

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What class does a sea anemone belong to?

A sea anemone belongs to the class Anthozoa within the phylum Cnidaria.

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Sea anemones, coral and jelly fish belong to the group of Cnidarians.

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They are in the class of Anthoza.

What phylum do sea anemone belong to?

sea anemone belongs to phylum echinodermata.

The sea anemone belongs to the class?

Sea anemones are cnidarians (phylum). Class anthozoa.

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Sea fans belong to the class Anthozoa

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Flatworms don't belong to cnidarians .They belong to Platyhelminthis . All others are cnidarians .

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Hydrozoans, sea anemones, & corals

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