A mother who eats her young is typically referred to as a cannibalistic mother. This behavior can occur in certain species of animals, such as spiders or hamsters, as a response to stress, lack of resources, or genetic abnormalities.
There have been cases where certain species of snakes, such as king cobras and black mambas, have been known to eat their own young. This behavior is rare and typically occurs when the parent is stressed, hungry, or feels threatened.
what eats a Pediasrum
herbivore eats plants and carnivore eats meat. omnivore eats both plants and meat.
Female Gila monsters lay eggs in burrows or under rocks where they provide minimal care to the eggs. Once the eggs hatch, the young are independent and must fend for themselves, as the adults do not provide any further care.
America Eats Its Young was created in 1972.
no actually it eats it's young and poops it out and eats it again
it eats you
it eats their young/it keeps in their mouth
eats them
it eats its young.
The Tibetan Wolf.
Lions will eat young rhinos.
no the yolk is what the young chick eats.
A Polar Bear eats harp and hooded seals, and will eat young walruses.
It follows its group. Eats plants, and play with its young