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do they inherit how to walk

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Q: What dose penguins inherit from their parents?
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what does rattle snakes inherit from their parents

Do mice inherit fur color from their parents?

Mice inherit everything from their parents - there is no other way for them to get DNA except from their parents.

What dose penguins eat?


Where do animals get their colors?

They inherit their colors from the genes they inherit from their parents.

Do children inherit their parents?

Yes children are the descedants of their parents.

Characteristics offspring inherit from there parents?

Offspring inherit a combination of genetic traits from their parents, including physical characteristics like eye color, hair color, and height. They may also inherit certain genetic predispositions to medical conditions or diseases. Additionally, offspring can inherit behavioral traits and personality characteristics from their parents.

Why do some Siberian huskies have short hair?

because they inherit it from there parents like you inherit things like your eye color from your parents.

Who does a son inherit traits from?

Children of any gender inherit traits from both parents.

What are a dogs adaptations or traits they inherit from their parents?

Dogs inherit physical traits such as coat color, body size, and ear shape from their parents. They may also inherit behavioral traits like temperament, intelligence, and trainability. Additionally, dogs may inherit health conditions or predispositions from their parents.

What do cheetahs inherit when theyr born?

Cheetahs inherit the genes their parents gave to them. They will inherit their speed, color, eye color, and their sex.

What does a clown fish inherit?

Its parents gold

What do baby cheetahs inherit from their parents?
