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It really depends on your dog.

The breed, gender, and just what it would like to eat.

Of course you can't make him talk, but just try out a few different kinds and see which your dog likes best.

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15y ago

An ideal balanced diet for a dog is a portion of meat, vegetables, milk and rice/bread. Packaged dog food and pellets are also a good option but when given in moderation. A diet of only dog pellets is quite fattening so avoid an only-dog-food diet.

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13y ago

Depends on the dog... but I have never met one that wasn't bananas over a dried hot dog... or a regular hot dog. The dried ones make excellent training treats because it really motivates the dog, although it will still be greasy to handle.

They have everything a dog loves... meat flavor, some grease, salty, a touch of garlic - heaven with or without a bun!

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13y ago

It all depends on the dog. Some like cheap food, some like the expensive kind from the vet. Just see what your dog likes, but don't change the food to often to new brands, this could give your dog diarrhea.

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