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The term zilch is generally used when referring to a non-exisitant quantity of an item. Words that can be used in place of zilch are zero, none, and empty.

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What is a zilch?

zilch is void space.

What is the origin of the word zilch?

On my website, WWW.IMZILCH.COM in the article entitled ZILCH there is an explanation of the origin of the word ZILCH.

How you use zilch in a sentence?

We started from one million and now we are down to zilch.

How do you use the word ZILCH in a sentence?

You just did! Zilch is a slang word for zero, used only with very informal tone.

What is the source language of the word zilch?

The word zilch is American English slang for nothing.

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King Zilch - 1933 was released on: USA: 11 June 1933

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Zilch - its a gas.

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zilch, zero, none

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Zilch, to No effort is always safest.