I Have Seen the Elephant
In the middle of the 19th century, the popular phrase, "I have seen the elephant," referred to overcoming the adversities and hardships in one's life. There was a fable that revolved around a farmer who heard that the circus was coming to town. He had never seen an elephant and headed to town with his produce to see the elephant. He encountered the elephant on the road and unfortunately, the farmer's horse had never seen an elephant either. The horse spooked, upset the cart and ran off, which destroyed the farmer's produce. Even so, the farmer declared, "I don't care, for I have seen the elephant."
Most immigrants rushing to California by land or by sea had "seen the elephant from the tip of his trunk to the end of his tail" by the time they arrived in California. For any who hadn't, two or three weeks in California were certain to bring on the vision.
This selection is from "Seeing the Elephant" in the Collection of California Historical Society which may be found at http://www.museumca.org/goldrush/fever11.html
The phrase "I've seen the elephant" is an American idiom meaning that someone has gained worldly experience or learned a hard lesson through a difficult or challenging situation. It is often used to convey that the person has been through a lot and is now more experienced or knowledgeable.
All insects have six legs from the thorax.
im doing a research on a elephant and ive learned a lot this is for 4rth grade and i got this asingned animal elephants do not like peanuts its is not true people just lie because they hate peanuts dominique 10 year old
The common name "daddy long leg" is used for two different groups of animals: the cellar spider, which belongs to the genus Pholcus, and the harvestman, which belongs to the order Opiliones.
Yes, northern pike can be found in the Flaming Gorge Reservoir. They are a popular sportfish in the area and are known for their aggressive behavior and challenging fight when caught.
emporer penguins ive on ice
Someone just saw the baby cats.
Ive seen 10k gold from Brazil stamped ,935
this is the dumbest question ive ever seen
Ive seen 10k gold from brazil stamped ,935
ive seen him on stickam chats and heard him in interviews and stuff, he sounds really cool, not mean
The phrase means to be nervous or anxious about something.
Yes ive seen some 06 ninjas Yes ive seen some 06 ninjas Yes ive seen some 06 ninjas
he has a HUGE crush on you.
i dont actually know, i mean ive seen it put with mushrooms before but nothing else.
he seems like a nice guy... Ive seen him on YouTube a lot and not once he was mean.. but idk its a experienced guess
From what Ive seen he is a Christian.
ive never seen it , have you?