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Nurse ants are responsible for taking care of the young in the nest. The nurse ants are the smallest of all the worker ants.

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a nurse ant helps the queen ant do her bissness

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What do the nurse ant do?

Nurse ants are responsible for taking care of the young in the nest. The nurse ants are the smallest of all the worker ants.

How does a fire ant take care of its young?

Ants are colony insects. There are nurse ants that take care of the young.

How does a nurse ant warm up the nest?

they lie in the sun absorbing the heat then they take their now warm bodies inside the nest.

What is a Argentina ant black ant?

An Argentina ant black ant.

What do you call an ant's forefathers?

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What is 'Travel Nurse' in French?

a nurse is "un infirmier" (masc.) or "une infirmière" (fem.)People looking for temporary positions are called "remplaçant" (masc.) or "remplaçante" (fem.)Traveling nurses (those in the profession who take on positions for short-term assignments) are called in French "un infirmier remplaçant / une infirmière remplaçante".

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Ant pads are just ANT Farm's version of iPads. Ant pads are not actually a product.

What type of ant is the enemy of the red ant?

The black ant is

What worker ant lives the longest live carpenter ant fire ant or odorous house ant?

Between the carpenter ant, fire ant, and odorous house ant, the carpenter ant lives the longest. Carpenter ants can live up to 7 years.

How a ant contact with other ant?

a ant contact a other ant by using their antennea and clicking their jaws

What is the different between ant and queen ant?

An ant happens to be produced by the queen ant, and the queen ant flies to mate with a male and lays eggs.