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Seeing an owl at night symbolizes death. Someone in your family or close to you has passed away.

Native Americans believed that owls helped the soul journey from this life into the afterlife, and that is why they show up when someone dies.

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10y ago

Hearing or seeing an owl at night doesn't tell you anything else than there's an owl around.

If you like birds, it's a nice thing.

If you like small rodents, it's a bad thing, becasue that's what owls usually hunt.

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Because there is an owl outside your yard every night. It is probably living nearby.

What does it mean to see a night owl?

night owl means a person who like to stay up late at night~It means that some one close to you or some one you know is going to die or has died

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Yes, some do! I live in Modesto, and I hear them every night

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It depends on the type of owl but generaly an owl can hear a mouse from about 23 meters

If you hear a owl hoot does that mean death?

No. It means that there is a owl outside. There is an old superstition, though, that hearing the constant hooting of an owl near your house was a prediction of a death.

When was The Night Owl created?

The Night Owl was created in 1987.

What can one buy from Night Owl Optics?

Night Owl Optics offers night vision devices such as Binoculars and Monoculars. You can learn more about Night Owl Optics online at the Night Owl Optics website.

What does an owl on your mailbox at night mean?

You might have mice as owls love to eat them.

What does it mean if you see a owl flying at night?

It means nothing you just dreamed about an owl there is nothing to it

What does it mean if you hear a screeching owl every night in your yard?

This is commonly referred to as a 'parliament,' and is frequently a group of juveniles getting together and having a good time, so to speak. The site of a parliament is easily found the following morning: the ground is covered with shed feathers.

When was Night Owl - film - created?

Night Owl - film - was created in 1993.

When was Night Owl - album - created?

Night Owl - album - was created in 1978.