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It is either an albino, which is very common, or has a birth defect, which is also very common. In either case, you shouldn't worry. red eyes have a harder time seeing in bright lights and can go blind quicker than regular eyes, but the hamster should be just fine.

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13y ago

It's likely either infected or hopefully just irritated. Hamsters live in an environment where they're prone to getting poked in the eye, by bits of hay and straw for example, and if this has occurred then it will take a short time for the inflammation to go away. If it persists for more than a day, however, it is possible your hamster may have something stuck in there and/or it may be infected, so take it to a vet.

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13y ago

it may have a infection or just somthing stuck in it you best bet is to take it to a vet or put cold water in it but be easy!!

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15y ago

if a hamsters eye is red that does not mean its blind in fact hamsters hve good eyesight if its purple then it is probly blind

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15y ago

I don't really know, but that is not normal. Take the hamster to the vet.

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12y ago

it means it is on its peorid

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Q: What does it mean if a hamsters nose is red?
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Yes, they can.

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Hamsters breathes through their nose ok say its a human just like us they usally breathe through the nose, i mean did u ever see a hamster open its mouth to breath nope so through the nose! Answered from:hamster smart Hamsters breathes through their nose ok say its a human just like us they usally breathe through the nose, i mean did u ever see a hamster open its mouth to breath nope so through the nose! Answered from:hamster smartA hamster breathes much like a person. They take air into the their nose or mouth. They exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide in their lungs, and then they exhale.

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The bird with red skin on its nose is likely a rooster. Roosters have a fleshy red comb on top of their head which can sometimes extend down to their face, giving the appearance of red skin on their nose.

What does it mean if your hamsters belly is all red and dry?

it means that it is ill and you haven't looked after it properly

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A red nose in hamsters can sometimes indicate an underlying health issue such as an infection, injury, or skin irritation. It is best to consult with a veterinarian to determine the cause and appropriate treatment for your hamster.

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if your hamsters nose pink to white that means its to warm or cold feel them if they are hot or cold

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Everyone knows the reindeer Rudolph has a red nose. Santa's big red nose was redder after he was out in the cold.

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its simple just add 5