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Horses are notoriously robust animals, hence the expression "healthy as a horse".

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

The phrase "healthy as a horse" means to be in excellent health or physically fit, typically used to describe someone who is robust and strong. This expression is drawn from the perception that horses are generally sturdy and resilient animals.

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Does 'To eat like a horse' mean to eat less and remain hale and healthy?

"To eat like a horse" means to eat a LOT of food.

What is a perfectly healthy horse called?

A horse

Where did the phrase healthy as a horse come from?

The phrase "healthy as a horse" is believed to come from America and the UK in the 1860s. Horses were believed to be very powerful and energetic, meaning that it would be good to be as healthy and energetic as a horse.

How do you care for a healthy horse?

A healthy horse needs daily grooming, feeding and exersizing. All of these are important..... and if they don't your horse can become ill, injured, Hungary and bored

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Why is it important to feed your horse?

so your horse get enough nutrients and it stays healthy :)

What is fine horse called?

Obviously healthy.

What do horse have to do to be healthy?

The reason a horse has to be healthy is because ... If you have a horse you probably want to ride it ,you cant if its ill . The vet bills are more expensive to a sick horse . You could go to court for animal cruelty if your horse has been neglected and end up with your horse being taken or a BIG fine.

If horse that is easy to take care of and maintains a healthy weight is called a?

wise horse

What should be a healthy horse's pulse per minute while resting?

The pulse rate of an adult horse at rest averages 30-40 beats per minute (bpm). A pulse rate of 50 or higher in an adult horse at rest may mean the horse is in physical distress.

Which breed of horse is healthiest?

How healthy a horse is is not based on the breed. It just depends on if it is taken care of. Some breeds seem unhealthy because each do have different configuration and needs. But really, it is the horse itself, not the breed itself. To keep a horse healthy use it for what it does. Like, some little pony can't be expected to gallop like a Thoroughbred. Give a horse a loving and fun place to live, and it will be healthy.

Why do people need to learn the parts of a horse?

So they can keep their horse healthy and speak to their vet properly.