Everyone hates elephant yolks.
i have no idea nor never know what an elephants semen tastes like But I have tasted bull , horse , , pig semen , all GREAT !
The predicate in that sentence is "looked like a huge white elephant". The subject is "it".
No chickens taste like elephants
Elephants do not roar. The sound made by an elephant is called a "Trumphet". Wild cats like a Lion or a tiger will roar and not an elephant.
Monkey guts
Yes it taste very citrusy and satisfying.
Everyone hates elephant yolks.
You are a car!
An elephant is a big wrinkley animal.
a big elephant
the pink elephant, orange elephant and the silver elephant
i have no idea nor never know what an elephants semen tastes like But I have tasted bull , horse , , pig semen , all GREAT !
they like me not you
The elephant is the symbol of the GOP.
They are called elephant seals because they have long noses like a regular elephant.