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Surviving to reproduce itself. To make more white tigers.

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2mo ago

A white tiger uses its body parts for various purposes: its sharp teeth and strong jaw allow it to bite and tear meat, its powerful legs enable it to pounce on prey, its keen eyesight helps it spot potential food or threats, and its tail assists with balance while walking or running.

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Q: What does a white tiger use its body parts for?
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What are the use of it's body parts of the tiger?

for skin

How are white tigers body parts used for survival?

White tigers use their claws and teeth to protect them selves

Why if tiger is nearing extinction?

Of course, humans are the cause of the extinction of tigers. Humans hunt tigers for different reasons. Poaching is the main problem. Humans poach for the use of tiger fur and the parts of their body. They can sell the parts for money. In fact, Chinese people use their body parts for medicine. They believe that each different body part has its own use for the medicine and can cure different diseases. It is illegal to hunt animals now but some people out their still break the law.

Who are the predators of Bengal tigers?

People kill tigers. They sell their body parts for money at the blackmarket. Some Chinese use tiger parts to put it in their medicine, in which they think is very powerful.

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they use it to build body parts and make cells

What body parts does tiger use to get food?

A tiger is a meat eater, a carnivore, and therefore its entire body is made for hunting; getting its food. The most obvious would be its claws and teeth. You can think of them as meat hooks attached to a deli-meat slicing machine that has as much power as a motorcycle.

What body parts do Arctic foxes use for survival?

they have a white coat to blend in with snow. by: Corra kraft

What does the white sabirian tiger use as water?

there are no white siberian tigers. only bengal tigers can have white coats.

What does white tiger use for shelter?

the live near snow to camofloge.

What body parts does tiger use to get their food?

Maybe, possibly, if the zoo also has a zebras, and one of them dies.