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The Shelduck looks a little bit like a goose

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8mo ago

The Crested Shelduck is a rare species of diving duck that has a distinctive crest on its head. It has black and white plumage on its body with a chestnut-colored belly. The male and female have similar markings.

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Q: What does a Crested Shelduck looks like?
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When was Crested Shelduck created?

Crested Shelduck was created in 1917.

What is scientific name of crested shell duck?

It is a Crested Shelduck (note spelling) Tadorna cristata

Why are Crested Shelduck endangered?

The Crested Shelduck is endangered due to habitat loss, pollution, and hunting. Its small population size and limited breeding grounds also contribute to its endangered status. Conservation efforts are being made to protect and restore its habitat to help increase its population.

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Mauritian Shelduck was created in 1893.

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Réunion Shelduck was created in 1994.

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That looks very similar to Adolf Hitler...The facial hair and personality are analogous. Hope that helped!

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A crested honeycreeper is a bird blue or red they like to eat honey

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Crested Gecko. Golden Geckos are much faster and don't like being held. Get a crested gecko.

What is a dogs name that looks like a chihuahua but is bald?

You are probably thinking of the Chinese Crested or the Xolo...which is the Mexican hairless dog, but usually, both of those are larger than a chihuahua.

What Duck looks like a Mallard with a Mohawk?

The duck you're referring to is most likely the Crested Duck, which has a distinctive crest of feathers on its head resembling a Mohawk. Despite the resemblance to a Mallard, Crested Ducks are a distinct breed with unique characteristics.

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No. An osprey is a fish eating bird of prey, a raptor that looks much like a hawk or small eagle with white breast and head, with gray wings, tail, and face markings.