Mean as a rattlesnake.
"Savanna" mean "savane"
I think you mean "scalene", or uneven in length.
unisexual mean having 1 sex only and bisexual mean having 2 sex unisexual mean hetrophrodite and bisexual mean hermaphrodite
I means someone is full of there slef and mean to others!
Scruffing a ferret is sometimes required to handle a ferret who is sick, injured, trying to escape or refusing to take a medication or have a wound looked at. It is the same concept used by moms to carry their young. You hold the ferret by the scruff of the neck, which is the loose skin on the back of the neck. It doesn't hurt but doesn't allow the ferret to escape either. The mother ferret scruffs her babies to discipline them and she also carries them by the scruff, like cat's do.
It is used to make the renewing process of the skin faster, clear pimples and blackheads from the skin, delay aging process. Clinique is great at removing impurities. It is also used to minimize breakouts.
Scruffing used in training, is a way in which you can show your ferret that you are the alpha ferret. For example, when your ferret bites you, you can scruff him, and say "no" loudly and firmly to show him that his behavior is not acceptable. You can also turn him onto his back while scruffing him, which is something that his mother or other ferrets would do. You should never smack them on the nose. you should never smack any animal on the nose. as long as you make a intimidating/confident voice, you simply say no! As long as you repeat this process, they will learn by the tone of your voice that NO means quit. They can learn this command as well as any other. you just have to be persistant and they will learn not to disobey. As long as you have dominance over your ferrets!
wait do you mean scruf? if so, you grab them by the loose skin on the top of their neck. make sure they are kittens if you are doing it. If they are adults, it hurts them because of how much they weigh. The above answer is only partly true. Adult cats can be scruffed in order to lift them out of a box or carrier, but only if you also hold them from underneath. But did you know this? Scruffing mimics what the mama cats does with them as kittens in order to move them, by mouthing them by the back of the neck skin they are very "portable". The actual act of putting their teeth gently on the neck skin causes the kittens to immediately go limp and relaxed in mom's mouth. It is something we can mimic with an upset or frightened cat, and it calms them down immediatelly. My cat has frequent choking fits due to a small trachea, and I use scruffing to settle him down while I lift his head up and stroke away his spasming trachea. Works every time, and he appreciates the relief.
All baby ferrets nip (like all animal when teething), especially when playing with other ferrets. As they can tend to nip humans as well and have very sharp teeth, it's important to socialize by teaching them not too. When a ferrets nip you, scruff him, tell him "no' in an exaggerated voice and hold for a minute. Scruffing is how the mom ferret disciplines her babies. Never hit or flick your ferret's nose
I'm not an expert on owls - but we have a collared scops (Otus bakkamoena, as best I know) that lives in our backyard in the city. He (I suspect its a he, because its been with us consistently for several months now - so doesn't seem to want to go and nest anywhere of have+look after babies). He perches himself all day on the branches of a conifer we have growing or on a papaya tree and is quite comfortable there, bothering to open his eyes slightly only when we are scruffing around noisily nearby.
No - it'll just become friendlier. Regular handling is good because that's how the ferret learns that humans are not to be feared/bitten.Most ferrets don't like to be restrained and will struggle to be let down (or even bite). If your ferret struggles to be let down or resist being held, try scruffing while holding until they calm down. It's important to socialize ferrets at a young age by frequent human interaction. Plan on investing a lot of time with your ferret, don't just leave them in a cage.
there is not really a proper way to hold a hamster, if you feel comfortable and your hamster looks fine than that is brilliant! if you don't know how to hold a hamster than a easy way is to gently scoop it up so the hamster is on your hand. Make sure your hands are flat so just in case the hamster does try to bite they don't really have much to nibble on! Now just keep putting one hand in front of the other and edge your hamster to move onto them. They should eventually start walking when you move your hands. you can then just keep them in you hand. But if you are too scared to do that you can get a toilet roll and put it into the hamsters cage, they sooner or later will go into the tube. Then when they are in pick it up and put the tube on the end of your hand so they can climb on.
you mean what you mean
Mean is the average.
It mean what you don't what does it mean.
The arithmetic mean is a weighted mean where each observation is given the same weight.