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It means that if you associate with bad people, it rubs off on you just like fleas.

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Q: What does Lie with dogs get up with fleas mean?
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If you sleep with dogs you'll wake up with fleas?

The Probverb says: "If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas."Meaning: If in LIFE you associate yourself with those of low or unsavory character you stand a good chance of having an even less favorable problem to deal with.

What does the saying let sleeping dogs lie mean?

It means don't stir up trouble.

What does the proverb he that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas mean?

it means if you hang around bad people you will follow then and become how they are

Can chickens give fleas to dogs or cats?

If a chicken has fleas, it can give the fleas to cats or dogs. Fleas can easily be transferred from one animal to another.

Do dogs have many fleas?

kinda yes if they bacome very ill ther can be up to 210 fleas on one dog @ once

What does he who lies down with dogs shall rise up with fleas mean?

If you run around or go with people who are not the best, you might turn out like them. If you hang out with gangster's, you may end up the same.

What did Benjamin Franklin say would happen if you lay down with dogs?

You wake up with fleas.

Can finding fleas on your pup possibly infest my home?

possibly yes. inside dogs/puppies that like to jump up on things, could brign alot of fleas into your house.

What should you let sleeping dogs do?

Let sleeping dogs lie means leave things as they are and do not stir up trouble.

Where is this quote from if you lay down with dogs you wake up with fleas?

Ben Franklin wrote in "Poor Richard's Almanack" the quote: "He that lieth down with Dogs, shall rise up with Fleas." The idioms and quotes in the almanac were sometimes original to Franklin, but he also paraphrased idioms and quotes from other authors without acknowledgment from where he got it.

How long does it take for Revolution to work in dogs?

Revolution starts killing fleas within 36 hours of application and provides protection against fleas, heartworms, and other parasites for up to one month after application.

Do fleas come up a bathtub drain?

can fleas climb up drains