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After your egg hatches you name your pet and then you can take care of it.

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Q: What do you do next when your egg hatches on secret builders?
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When was Horton Hatches the Egg created?

"Horton Hatches the Egg" was created in 1940 by Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel).

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Dr. Seuss wrote Horton Hatches the Egg.

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Horton Hatches the Egg has 64 pages.

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Bad egg glitch?

Ah, the Bad Egg glitch. When an Bad Egg hatches from a normal Egg, it is usually the cause of a cheat gone wrong. When the Bad Egg hatches, the next step you take will freeze, and force you to reset the game. When you turn it back on you will go to your previous saved file.

How long till larvesta egg hatches?

A Larvesta egg hatches after 10,455-10,709 steps.

What temperature does freezer need to be?

The best way to test this is to simply leave an egg in your freezer overnight. The next morning remove it, then sit on it until it hatches. If a baby alligator hatches from the egg punch yourself inthe face and you win.

How do you know when a egg hatches in pokemon?

you don't it just hatches. But, walking with the egg in your party will help it hatch

How big is a goose egg before it hatches?

A goose egg before it hatches, is about 4 inches long.

Where does the baby chick get its its food before it hatches?

The egg yolk nourishes the chick until it hatches.

When was Horton Hatches the Egg published?

"Horton Hatches the Egg" by Dr. Seuss was first published in 1940.