Don't feed them until the water is completely clear again, and cross your fingers!
Remember they only need the small spoon full of food once a week, and they shouldn't be fed for the first five days, because the instant life eggs are surrounded in food.
They also eat the algae in the tank to help them survive.
Sea monkeys are a type of brine shrimp that are marketed as a novelty pet. They are called "sea monkeys" as a marketing strategy to make them seem more interesting and exotic to consumers. In reality, they are not monkeys at all but rather tiny crustaceans.
It is difficult to determine the exact number of sea monkeys in the world as they are sold as kits for individuals to raise at home. The term "sea monkeys" typically refers to a type of brine shrimp. However, there are millions of sea monkeys sold each year in various kits.
Through their nose and mouth using their lungs and diaphragm.
Sea monkeys primarily eat algae and other microscopic organisms in their environment. These tiny creatures are filter feeders and rely on consuming small particles suspended in the water. Additionally, sea monkeys can also be fed commercial food designed specifically for them.
yes i love sea monkeys
Yes, I bought my sea monkeys there!
Sea-Monkeys are a miniature species of shrimp.
Your a dumb a$$ why do you need sea monkeys and why from mars
Sea monkeys are a type of brine shrimp that are marketed as a novelty pet. They are called "sea monkeys" as a marketing strategy to make them seem more interesting and exotic to consumers. In reality, they are not monkeys at all but rather tiny crustaceans.
You don't if you like your sea monkeys. Sea monkeys are a variety of shrimp. They need airation/filtration and good quality water to live happilly. It is best you leave the sea monkeys with friends (someone to look after them) if you are travelling. HTH
Yes sea monkeys are real. go to
I'm pretty sure that sea monkeys are produced from yeast
Well you can put special sea monkeys sea diamonds in and the sea monkeys love it it is also a fun toy!!
Sea monkeys are great pets and they don't take much care.
I have sea monkeys and mine hatched in about 4-5 days.
Sea monkeys are not man made they are a type of brine shrimp