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2mo ago

The offspring of a goose is called a gosling.

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Q: What do you call the offspring of a goose?
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What do you call the offspring of goose?


What do you call a goose's offspring?

The newly-hatched babies are called goslings.

Offspring of a gander and a goose?

The offspring of a pigeon is also a pigeon

What is a gooses offspring named?

A baby goose is called a gosling

When was Last Call for Goose Creek created?

Last Call for Goose Creek was created in 1999.

What do you call a baby Egyptian goose?

A baby goose is called a gosling.

A female gander?

It really depends on the gender of the geese. Overall, "geese" is what we call the species, but when we are talking about a specific goose, if it is a boy goose, we call it and gander, and if a girl goose, we'll just call it a "goose."

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What is the difference between a duck call and goose calls?

The difference between a duck and goose call is that ducks primarily use a much more subtle and abrupt voicing; while a goose tends to prolong its call, as if voicing out for a search.

What do you call an escaped gander?

A gander is another word for a goose! So the answer is a loose goose! :)

How do you write offspring in a sentence?

you meant to say *write not "wright" and offspring means children or the reproduction 'of' for example: The mother Goose summoned for her offspring of small feeble geese as we threw bread near the lake.