Ducks in flight are a flock. Ducks on the ground are a badling. Ducks in the water are a raft, team or paddling
A box of quackers!
A group of ducks can be called a "flock," "team," or "raft."
The generic term for ducks of all species (male or female) is duck.All male ducks (no mater what the species) are called drakes.All female ducks (no mater what the species) are called ducks.All baby ducks (no mater what the species) are called ducklings.
you don't call it anything. There are puddle ducks, diver ducks and seas ducks. You can call those ducks as TEAL. It is a small short-necked dabbling river ducks of Europe and America.
chicks are like baby chickens and other things ppl call chicks are teenage girls but yea your talking about animals so yea they are like baby chickens
Yes, if you have enough patience. Chickens and ducks can easily be trained to come when called. Simply call them before you feed them. If they are all hungry and waiting, still call them. They will associate this call with food, and come running whenever they hear it. As for tricks, I've had alot of pet chickens and never had any luck with tricks. You can get to where you understand each other pretty well, they will come when you call, jump up on your lap, etc. But tricks are pretty hard.
They call it "hindi"
A gaggle of geese.
A person who sells fowls, such as ducks or turkeys, is commonly referred to as a poultry vendor or a poultry seller. The term "poulterer" can also be used to describe someone who specifically sells poultry for consumption. Additionally, in a more general sense, they could be called a poultry farmer or a poultry producer, depending on whether they raise the birds themselves.
Turkeys are called turkeys because the Turks, a Muslim group, discovered them
They are called "Canada Geese."
There are hundreds - if not thousands of them. And what do you call a 'water bird'? There are ducks, geese and swans, rails, divers (loons), grebes, waders, herons, egrets, storks and so on...
they call them ducks or ducking if they are young :]
Baby geese are called goslings
Turkeys have different calls and noises that other turkeys will understand.