Male goats are often called "Billy goats" as a colloquial term to distinguish them from female goats and emphasize their masculinity. The term "Billy" is derived from the old English word for male in animals.
A male sheep is called a Ram.
A young ram that has been castrated is typically referred to as a "wether." This term is used to denote male sheep that have been neutered.
Well, darling, castrated female sheep are called "spayed ewes." It's like they got the snip-snip but kept their lady parts. So, next time you're chatting about sheep, you can drop that fun fact like it's hot.
A castrated male llama is typically referred to as a gelding. This term is commonly used in livestock management to describe a castrated male animal.
A wether.
Male goats are often called "Billy goats" as a colloquial term to distinguish them from female goats and emphasize their masculinity. The term "Billy" is derived from the old English word for male in animals.
A male sheep is called a Ram.
A young ram that has been castrated is typically referred to as a "wether." This term is used to denote male sheep that have been neutered.
Well, darling, castrated female sheep are called "spayed ewes." It's like they got the snip-snip but kept their lady parts. So, next time you're chatting about sheep, you can drop that fun fact like it's hot.
A castrated male llama is typically referred to as a gelding. This term is commonly used in livestock management to describe a castrated male animal.
Bull is the term used for adult male cattle. Goats do not become cattle. Or horses, sheep, pigs or hamsters. An adult male goat is a billy.
An entire male goat is called a buck. A castrated male goat is called a wether.
a ram
In Australia, the slang term for sheep is "sheila".
a ram
An adult female is a mare, and an adult male, if he is not castrated, is a stallion. If he is castrated, then he would be refered to as a gelding, although this term applies to castrated males of all ages.