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They eat nuts,fruit,plants,and sometimes meat. They are omnivores.

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12y ago
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3mo ago

Squirrel monkeys in the wild primarily eat fruits, seeds, insects, and small vertebrates like birds and lizards. Their diet varies depending on the season and availability of food sources in their natural habitat. They are opportunistic feeders and will also consume flowers, nectar, and leaves.

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9y ago

wild gorillas usually eat plants, and shoots, they also eat sometimes flowers and shoots.

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10y ago

They eat tropical orchids

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16y ago

They eat the vegetation where they live in the wild including bamboo

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11y ago

well sea monkeys are a type of shrimp they are called brine shrimp in the wild they will anything off the lake floor.

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10y ago

Capuchin monkeys are omnivores. They usually eat fruit, leaves, insects and small birds. They are super good at cracking nuts and catching frogs.

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15y ago

things like fruit or other animals

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12y ago


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Q: What do squirrel monkeys eat in the wild?
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Do squirrel monkeys live in the wild?

yes, they do live in the wild

How much do squirrel monkeys eat daily?

The squirrel monkeys eat 12 grams of food a day if my calculations are correct.squirrel monkey addict

How often to squirrel monkeys eat?

about 4 times a day.

Do squirrel monkeys have claws?

No. Squirrel monkeys DO NOT have claws.

What are predators of squirrel monkeys?

Predators of squirrel monkeys include birds of prey such as hawks and eagles, larger mammals like snakes, ocelots, and jaguars, as well as wild cats and domestic dogs. These predators primarily target squirrel monkeys for food.

Do monkeys eat bananas in the wild?

monkeys don't only eat bananas they eat other fruit

Is there any other predators for squirrel monkeys?

Yes, squirrel monkeys have multiple predators in the wild, such as birds of prey, large snakes, big cats like jaguars, and wild canids like foxes. These predators usually target squirrel monkeys for food and can pose a significant threat to their populations.

What do squirrel monkeys eat?

Black squirrel monkeys eat grasshoppers and lady bugs

How many squirrel monkeys are known to exist?

As of 1996 an estimation between 1,246 and 3,500 wild monkeys was predicted. Where in 1983 it was estimated at nearly 200,000.

What fauna will be attracted to a woodland?

Wild horses, frogs,snakes,monkeys,elephant,squirrel,zebra and deer.

Why do male squirrel monkeys wee on other squirrel monkeys?

Not all male squirrel monkeys do this, only the dominant squirrel monkey in the group will do this. The dominant male squirrel monkey urinates on the other squirrel monkeys in the group to remind them that he is in charge and not them. Similarly, some animals urinate on their territory to warn others that they own it, it's a similar thing with squirrel monkeys.

Where do squirrel monkeys eat?

McDonalds lol sorry that's not true im not sure where they eat maybe KFC.