Wrens eat primarily insects but the will eat occasionally eat seeds. Some seeds they eat are baybarry and sweetgum.
Raccoons eat just about anything but do not eat tires.
Tryna eat Tryna burn, burn eat burn
they usually eat bread or anything that they want to eat...
They eat algi, star fish, and baby sea horses, as they can get bigger wich the biggest they can get is 2 metres. They can eat anenome, turtle, and groper fish.
Goatfish are invisible
The fish is called Kūmū in Hawaiian and "white saddle goatfish" in English. The scientific name is Parupeneus porphyreus
Capricorn is often depicted as a "sea-goat".
Mullet,Ladyfish, Jacks, occasionally Stingray. Any fish they come across.
i dont know someone please help i am doing this for school
There are hundreds of species that are native to the Atlantic Ocean. For instance, the Gray Flounder, the Hardhead Catfish, the Yellow Goatfish, the Deepwater Dab and the West African Ladyfish. There are your five native animals to the Atlantic!!
yes you can hre is a list okay for adding to the tank: Dwarf Angelfish, Large Angelfish, Anthias, Basslets, Blennies, Boxfish, Clownfish, Goatfish, Gobies, Hawkfish, Hogfish, Parrotfish, Pseudochromis, Puffers, Tangs & Surgeons and Wrasse.
Best bait for Papio/Ulua is Squid (Ika), Octopus (Tako), White Eel (Tohei) and live Goatfish (O'ama) and the best time to fish in Ewa Beach is when the tide is rising.
Thousands of different species of fish live on reefs, however some common (generic)types are: Angelfish, butterfly fish, clownfish, filefish, triggers, grunts, gobies, sharks, rays, dartfish, tangs, anglers, groupers, lionfish, wrasses, basslets, cardinals, damsels, puffers and tobies and many many more.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern GO-TF---. That is, eight letter words with 1st letter G and 2nd letter O and 4th letter T and 5th letter F. In alphabetical order, they are: goatfish