They just usually eat small krill and shrimps, sometimes they eat other fish. like a shark eats other fish.
Caimens are carnivorous reptiles that primarily eat fish, birds, mammals, and amphibians. They are opportunistic feeders and will consume whatever prey is available in their habitat.
Perch fish are carnivorous and primarily feed on zooplankton, insects, small fish, crustaceans, and aquatic invertebrates. They are opportunistic feeders and will consume whatever prey is most readily available in their environment.
Some fish species may eat small lizards if they have the opportunity, but it is not a common part of their diet. Fish generally prefer feeding on smaller aquatic creatures like insects, worms, and smaller fish.
Wahoo are carnivorous fish that primarily feed on smaller fish such as mackerel, squid, and tuna. They are aggressive predators that hunt actively for their food in open waters.
Pilot fish are carnivorous and primarily feed on small fish, squid, and crustaceans. They may also feed on scraps left by larger marine animals.
Tuna eats small fish which eat zooplankton.
They eat sea sponges and are carnivorous.
no they eat fish
yes, if it is carnivorous
Crocodiles are carnivorous. Hence they eat all meat, even fish meat.
Carnivorous fish. Such as Sharks, Parana's, And many, many others.
Sharks are carnivorous. All fish have to eat, even krill. There are many carnivorous animals in the ocean.
meat and fish
Predatory fish that eat flesh/meat (other fish, seals, humans, etc) Some carnivorous fish include: sharks, barracudas, piranha's sea bass and moray eels.
Carnivorous, but also "piscivorus", meaning fish eating.
They are carnivorous fish. I know of no reason why they shouldn't eat shrimps.
Small and Largemouth Bass are carnivorous. They eat fish and insects. The young eat zooplankton.