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Technically honey.

The nectar is stored in an organ called the "honey stomach" which is part of the bee's esophagus. But the honey stomach, which is also known as the honey sac, crop, or ingluvies-is a specialised organ designed to expand and store nectar until it can be ferried back to the hive.

Once the foraging bee returns home she regurgitates the contents of the honey stomach and, through the process of trophallaxis, transfers it to a house bee. The house bee will begin to process the nectar into honey.

Honey bees also have an organ for digestion called the ventriculus also called the mid-gut. The mid-gut occurs after the honey stomach and is separated from it by the proventriculus which is a muscular organ that regulates the opening between these two parts of the alimentary canal. Further down the line are the intestines, rectum, and anus.

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Q: What do bees excrete as feces?
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Do honey bee excrete?

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No, feces do not excrete through a pig's skin. Pigs excrete feces through their anus, like most other animals. The skin of pigs is not designed to excrete waste in this manner.

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feces. In their feces is fish bones and stuff.

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Try excrement or feces.

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We can excrete waste products through urine, feces, and sweat. These processes help remove toxins and regulate body functions.

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The verb excrete means to separate and expel a substance as waste (especially applied to metabolic byproducts). For humans, this would include feces, urine, and sweat.

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