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It has given producers cattle that are meatier for beef and that produce more milk for dairy. In selective breeding you are able to choose the genetics that best fit the cow, say she has strong conformation but low milk quantity, so you would choose a bull that is strong in milk quantity.

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2mo ago

Selective breeding in domesticated beef cattle has reduced the level of genetic variation compared to their wild ancestors. This reduction in genetic diversity has resulted in certain desired traits being amplified in the population, but has also made them more susceptible to diseases and environmental changes.

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Q: What did this selective breeding do to the level of genetic variation in domesticated beef cattle?
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What does neutral variation mean?

Genetic diversity that confers no apparent selective advantage.

Why does your baby mouse have no tails?

Some mice are born naturally tailless as a genetic mutation. It could be a result of selective breeding or a spontaneous genetic variation. Tailless mice are not uncommon and are usually healthy and able to lead normal lives.

Why are mutations useful in selective breeding?

Mutations introduce genetic diversity, allowing breeders to select for desirable traits. This diversity can lead to the development of new traits or improvements in existing ones, enhancing the breeding process. By selecting for advantageous mutations, breeders can accelerate the breeding of plants and animals with desired characteristics.

When organisms with certain desirable triats are mated?

When organisms with certain desirable traits are mated, their offspring are more likely to inherit those traits due to genetic inheritance. This process allows for the selection and propagation of advantageous characteristics within a population, leading to improvements in features such as disease resistance, productivity, or appearance.

The traits of organisms in a population naturally change over time what is the source of the variation?

The source of variation in a population comes from genetic mutations and genetic recombination during reproduction. These processes introduce new genetic information, resulting in different traits being passed on to offspring. Environmental factors can also contribute to variation through selective pressures shaping which traits are advantageous.

Related questions

Is the sentence true or false - genetic variation is found only in wild organisms in nature?

False. Genetic variation is found in all organisms, both wild and domesticated, as it is a natural result of reproduction and mutation. Domesticated organisms can also exhibit genetic diversity due to selective breeding practices.

Without genetic engineering horses would have been domesticated?

Horses were domesticated long before the concept of genetic engineering was even selective breeding.

How are genetic engineering and selective breeding the same?

Selective breeding is a category that has genetic engineering in it. while selective breeding is choosing a trait or feature to breed on, genetic engineering is a man made change in a subjects genes

Differences of cloning and selective breeding?

Cloning involves creating an exact genetic copy of an organism, while selective breeding involves choosing specific individuals with desired traits to breed together. Cloning results in a genetically identical organism, while selective breeding produces offspring with a mix of traits from the parents. Cloning is a more precise process with limited genetic variation, whereas selective breeding allows for more genetic diversity.

Why genetic engineering is superior to selective breeding?

Genetic engineering: -more specific changes -changes are more controlled -takes less time to enact -lack of variation

What problem can occur with selective breeding?

Genetic mutations

What part of science is selective breeding?

Genetics - or genetic engineering.

Examples of selective breeding?

Humans use selective breeding, which takes advantage OS nauturally occurring genetic variation in plants, animals, and other organisms, to pass desired traits on to the next generation of organisms.

How do these selective pressures affect the genetic variation in the population?

Selective pressures can impact genetic variation by favoring certain traits or alleles while reducing the frequency of others in a population. Strong selective pressures can lead to genetic changes over generations as individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce. Conversely, weak or fluctuating selective pressures may allow for higher genetic variation to persist within a population.

What did the selective breeding do to the. Population of pea plants?

decreased its genetic diversity

What does neutral variation mean?

Genetic diversity that confers no apparent selective advantage.

Breeders can increase the genetic variation by inducing what?

The introduction of animals into a breeding population that are unrelated will increase genetic variation.