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Stories of The werewolf or similar creatures are found world wide and predate most known writing systems and existing countries. They are prehistoric.

There are found in any country and yes I'm a lycan.

some stories point twards transelvania. in one of the older legends it started with 2 transelvanian babies romulus and remus. a great she wolf raised the children and gave them gifts. one was her gift of the wolf to remus and to her other son she gave the power of the night as a "vampire" the story constantly changes and the place shifts but that's the one i heard

Romulus and Remus are the founders of Rome, so that particular story belongs to Italy. The oldest 'best' story for werewolves is King Lycaon of Arcadia, a group of people in Greece that actually pre-date the Greeks themselves.


I'd say your best bet is France. There were a lot of supposed werewolves way back when, and then there was that monster, the Beast of Gevaudin. There were also quite a few reports of Lycanthropy...

I'm not saying the stories of werewolves started in France; I just think France is pretty much the werewolf capital of the world.


Otaku Ahoy


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8mo ago

Werewolves are mythical creatures that are not associated with any specific country. They appear in folklore and stories from various cultures around the world, including Europe, North America, and Asia.

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No. There are no werewolves. Anywhere. Excuse me! Werewolves in Canada are referred to as Windego.

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Are werewolves in chennai?

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