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Lions can see the same colors as we can, but they can't see as far away as we can.

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Q: What colors can a lion see?
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What is a alliteration of lion?

white,brown,gold colors

What are the colors of a lion's coat?

golden! mane brown

What colors are Leo the Lion's stars?

yellow or red

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Lion. Colors are yellow and blue.

What are the colors of a real lion?

brown,peace and sometimes black.

What time can you see Leo the lion?

the best time to see leo the lion is in the spring when you are having sex.

What colors did they come in?

The lion come in lots of shades of brown this is the most common color for a lion some also come in Albino white.

What separates a lion and tiger?

Their eyes. A lion can see in complete darkness!

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Shrimp can see 16 colors.

What three colors can butterflies see?

Red, Green, and Yellow. They can also see ultraviolet colors, or colors the human can't see

Can we see all the colors or are ther more?

the colors which we can see are called visible colors that appear in visible light spectrum VIBGYOR these are the only visible colors although we can see different colors by the combination of these colors also whit is a visible color

What colors do amphibians see?

Pretty sure amphibians do not see any colors.