white,brown,gold colors
golden! mane brown
brown,peace and sometimes black.
Lions get their colors from a combination of genetics and the pigments in their fur. The color of a lion's coat is determined by its genes, and variations can range from sandy yellow to deep orange. Melanin, a pigment in the fur, also influences the shade of the lion's coat.
If you were to dissect a dead lion you could see inside its body. If you were swallowed by a lion, you would not be able to see. There are no light sources in a lion's stomach. Also, unless you are very small, a lion would most likely have to eat you in several bites. You would be dead before you could investigate the matter.
white,brown,gold colors
golden! mane brown
yellow or red
Lion. Colors are yellow and blue.
brown,peace and sometimes black.
the best time to see leo the lion is in the spring when you are having sex.
The lion come in lots of shades of brown this is the most common color for a lion some also come in Albino white.
Their eyes. A lion can see in complete darkness!
Shrimp can see 16 colors.
Red, Green, and Yellow. They can also see ultraviolet colors, or colors the human can't see
the colors which we can see are called visible colors that appear in visible light spectrum VIBGYOR these are the only visible colors although we can see different colors by the combination of these colors also whit is a visible color
Pretty sure amphibians do not see any colors.