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8mo ago

A healthy dog's milk is typically white or slightly yellowish in color. If the milk appears discolored or abnormal, it may be a sign of an underlying health issue, and it's best to consult a veterinarian.

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is the person that asked this question stupid or something every type of milk is white or whitish yellow. Cows milk is white. Goats milk is white. OUR MILK IS WHITE!!!!!!!!!!

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No, dogs should not be given almond milk as it can cause digestive issues and potentially be harmful to them. It is best to stick to giving dogs water or specially formulated dog milk alternatives.

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Well my families Yorkshire Terrier used to drink milk as a puppy, but now he drinks water.

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You should never give your dog cow's milk as it will cause diarrhea & sometimes vomiting.

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No you should never give them regular cow's milk. It can cause bad diarrhea.

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They can but it is not of much nutritional value. The dog should rather have it's mothers milk.

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you have to get milk and it should be milkshake or the

Can dog drink milk with beer?

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Is almond milk bad for dogs and should it be avoided in their diet?

Almond milk is not recommended for dogs as it can cause digestive issues like upset stomach and diarrhea. It should be avoided in their diet to prevent potential health problems.