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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

The passenger pigeon became extinct in 1914 when the last known individual, named Martha, died at the Cincinnati Zoo. Once one of the most abundant bird species in North America, hunting and habitat destruction led to their rapid decline and eventual extinction.

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Q: What bird became extinct in 1914?
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The last surviving Passenger Pigeon, Martha, died in the Cincinnati Zoo on September 1, 1914.

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When did The passenger pigeon go extinct?

The last living bird was "Martha" a female living in captivity at the Cincinnati Zoo. She died on September 1, 1914. But the wild population is believed to have died off before the year 1900. For more details, please see sites listed below.

In the 1860's the bird the became extinct?

The passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) started to become extinct in the mid 1800s and the last surviving specimen died in 1914. The very last one was a female named Martha who died at Cincinnati Zoo at about 1:00 pm on September 1, 1914. There is a wonderful exhibit at the Zoo honoring Martha.Other less-known species that may have become extinct during the decade include:- Kioea (Chaetoptila angustipluma) of Hawaii- Virgin Islands Screech owl (Megascops nudipes newtoni)- Finsch's Duck (Chenonetta finschi) from New Zealand