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eruptions of molten material, magnetic stripes in the rock of the ocean floor, and the ages of the rocks themselves

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  1. Fossil evidence of marine organisms found at high altitudes, such as on mountains, suggesting a past higher sea level.
  2. Geological features like ancient shorelines, marine sediments, and coral reefs in areas now far from the sea.
  3. Studies on isotopic compositions of marine sediments revealing historical sea surface temperatures and ice volume fluctuations.
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Q: What are three types of evidence provided support for theory of sea?
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What three types of evidence provided support of the theory of sea-floor spreading?

three are : eruptions of molten material magnetic stripes in the rock of the ocean floor and the ages of the rocks themselves :)

What three types of evidence provided support of the theory of sea floor spreading?

three are : eruptions of molten material magnetic stripes in the rock of the ocean floor and the ages of the rocks themselves :)

What are three types of evidence provided support for sea-floor spreading?

Seismic Waves, Rock formations, and the shapes of the continents over time

What are three types of evidence provided support for the theory of sea-floor spreading?

Magnetic striping: Patterns of alternating magnetic polarity in the rock of the ocean floor provide evidence of the seafloor moving away from mid-ocean ridges. Age of the oceanic crust: Younger rocks are found nearer to mid-ocean ridges, supporting the idea of continuous seafloor creation. Ocean drilling samples: Rock samples from the ocean floor show consistent patterns of increasing age with distance from mid-ocean ridges, supporting the theory of seafloor spreading.

What are three types of evidence of theory of evolution?

Morphological evidence.Genetic and genomic evidence.Geographical evidence.

What three types of evidence provided support for the theory of sea-floor spreading?

The discovery of mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed, supported the theory of sea-floor spreading. The mapping of magnetic stripes on the ocean floor, showing alternating patterns of magnetic polarity, provided further evidence for sea-floor spreading. The age of the oceanic crust getting progressively younger away from the mid-ocean ridges supported the concept of sea-floor spreading.

What are three forms of evedence used to support th big bang theory?

Three important pieces of evidence are:* The redshift of distant galaxies. This means that galaxies are moving away from us. * The percentages of elements and isotopes. This closely matches predictions from theory. * The cosmic background radiation. This, too, closely matches predictions from theory.

List 3 kinds of evidence found on both sides of th ocean that support Wegener's theory?


The three major categories of evidence provided by the fossil record are?

The three major categories of evidence provided by the fossil record are body fossils (actual remains of organisms), trace fossils (impressions or structures left by past organisms), and chemical fossils (organic molecules preserved in rocks). These categories help scientists understand past life forms, their environments, and evolution over time.

What are Plate tectonics evidence?

The theory of plate tectonics has succumbed to the newer theory of continental drift. Scientists believe this theory today due to three main factors. First, the continents appear to fit together. When the continental shelves, as opposed to just the continents, are placed together, the fit appears uncanny. Second, the distribution of fossils is consistent with continental drift. Lastly, glacial deposits once covered parts of the earth that are currently tropical.ANSWER: The plate tectonics theory is relatively new and formulated only in the 1960s. The evidence listed above in the first answer can only support the continental drift theory which was developed by Alfred Wegener in 1912. Evidence that can support the plate tectonics theory are the age, depth of oceanic sediments, volcanic activity, geothermal gradient, gravity anomalies, paleomagnetism and seismologic evidence. If you are answering an exam question on evidence supporting plate tectonics, evidence supporting continental drift theory should only come later in your answer and should not be given too much emphasis, for the plate tectonics theory involves more than just the continental crust drifting around and cannot support the main hypotheses of the plate tectonics theory.

What are the three steps involved in the development of a scientific law?

To develop a scientific law a person must first start off with an experiment or hypothesis. A person will then need evidence to support their theory/hypothesis. If the evidence is sufficient enough then they must provide a conclusion explaining their findings and how they are correct.

What are the three pieces of evidence that supports continental drift theory?

Fit of the continents: The coastlines of continents such as South America and Africa appear to fit together like puzzle pieces. Fossil evidence: Similar fossils of plants and animals have been found on continents that are now widely separated by oceans. Geological features: Matching rock formations and mountain ranges across different continents suggest they were once connected.