The feathers, or plumage, of a bird have the following purposes:
The outer covering of birds, specifically feathers, serves various purposes such as providing insulation to regulate body temperature, aiding in flight by reducing air resistance, displaying for courtship and camouflage for protection. Feathers also play a role in waterproofing, helping birds stay dry in wet conditions.
That is an excellent question. The short answer is; a fun, tasty candy shell............ -or feathers.
An ant's outer covering is called an exoskeleton. It is a hard, rigid structure that protects the ant's body and provides support, similar to a suit of armor.
A lot of animals have hard body covering which makes them hard to become prey. However, animals such as hippopotamus, rhinoceros, and elephants have a hard cover of skin on their body.
Ducklings are baby birds. Therefore, like many chicks, they initially have a body covering of down which are soft, fine, fluffy feathers. As they grow older, their adult feathers start to come through.
Like all birds, the emu's body covering is feathers,although they are fine and wispy.
Birds are covered with feathers. Bats are covered with hair.
That is an excellent question. The short answer is; a fun, tasty candy shell............ -or feathers.
what is seahorse outer-covering
The fleshy outer covering on pomegranate seeds is called arils, which contain the juicy pulp and seeds inside. The outer coating on yew seeds is a red, berry-like structure called an aril, which is often the only part of the seed that is eaten by birds.
Amphibians do not have outer covering.
The outer covering of the eyeball is cornea.
Bat is a mammal, so it's outer covering is hair whereas bird's outer covering is feather.
Camels have hair as their outer covering.
Tonoplast is the outer covering of vacuole
A seals outer covering is thick skin.
an ant's outer covering is their exoskeleton