Well, biodiversity means, variety of all living things, so humans are threats to almost every animal..... but animals like lions and tigers are threats to other animals, just as We are threats to them, if you don't understand this, I advise you to look up food chains, and you will find it clearer.
Basically anything can be. Threats to flora can be: knocking down trees/ forests, people breaking things off, bushfires/fires and some diseases. I've seen some trees on an island that have things from the ocean that get into them and they look fine but it eats out the insides of trees. But there are ways you can tell they have it.
Threats to fauna can be:
poachers, cruelty (people hurting animals), other animals i.e. predatores, diseases.
if ur asking the affects on flora butter than there is no affect if your asking the affect on just flora there is one affect it makes you hyper dont ever try it you can have flora butter though.
The national park is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna.
Yes, birds are considered part of the fauna. Fauna refers to the animal life of a particular region or period, which includes birds along with other animals.
Lewis and Clark's expedition, known as the Corps of Discovery, yielded valuable information about the geography, flora, fauna, and native peoples of the western territories of the United States. They discovered new plant and animal species, mapped previously uncharted territories, established diplomatic relations with Native American tribes, and helped pave the way for westward expansion in the United States.
Yes, humans are considered fauna, as "fauna" refers to the animal life in a particular region, and since humans are classified as animals, they fall under the category of fauna.
Flora and fauna refer to the plant and animal life of a particular region or period.
what is the flora and fauna of costa rica
Flora are plants and Fauna are animals so a sidewinder rattlesnake would be a Fauna.
Niether, Senegal is country. Flora and fauna are plants and animals
Potti and potti means flora and sususu means fauna
the fauna and flora adapt by changing with the climate
Flora means plants fauna means animals
They are not plants. Flora and fauna are the terms used to describe all plant and animal life, not a specific type. Flora = plants, Fauna = animals
Flora are plants and fauna are animals. The depletion of both flora and fauna can come from natural disasters or environment destruction.
Sponges are animals - fauna.
Bats are animals - fauna
Its a fish, so its fauna