Predators of the yellow spotted lizard include Birds of Prey such as hawks and owls, snakes, and larger mammals like foxes and coyotes. These predators rely on their speed, agility, and hunting skills to capture and feed on the lizards.
The Latin name for the yellow-spotted lizard is Teiรบra fuscicauda.
The yellow-spotted lizard's defense mechanism involves using its bright yellow spots as a warning signal to predators that it is toxic. These lizards produce a venom that can be harmful to potential threats, deterring them from attacking. Additionally, they are quick and agile, able to swiftly escape from danger.
Yellow spotted lizards are fictional creatures from the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar. They are not real animals and can only be found in the story.
AnswerIt's kinda' same. But it's real scientific name is "Yellow spotted night lizard".It's habit might be a bit different with the one in 'Holes'.The lizard you see in the movie Holes is just a digitally altered version of a bearded dragon and they are no where near alike
Yellow Spotted Lizard from the Book Holes: "Crocus Maculosus Lacerta ex Libri Foramen" Yellow = Crocus; Spotted = Maculosus; Lizard = Lacerta. From The = ex; Book = Libri; Hole(s) = Foramen. What made you ask this question..? I've never heard of a spotted lizard from a book hole. Interesting question - thanks for making me feel I didn't waste years of my life learning Latin! I knew there was a reason... Wiki and Yahoo! Answers. Cheers, Saccade
Well the yellow spotted lizard isnt real. They were Gilla Monsters with yellow paint. The yellow spotted lizard only existed in the movie holes.
Yellow spotted lizard
A yellow spotted lizard eats mainly crickets and other insects.
black and yellow
Lizard like and and kind of yellow spotted ........... Obviously!
The Latin name for the yellow-spotted lizard is Teiรบra fuscicauda.
Newt is an animal of the lizard family and this lizard with yellow green spots on its body is known as a yellow spotted newt.
No it is not
No yellow spotted lizards do not have red teeth. if you watch the part in holes when Kate Barlow gets bitten by a yellow spotted lizard you can see that their teeth are white.