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they are sexy

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Q: What are the physical characteristics of a white lion?
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What are the exact physical characteristics of the puma?

The physical characteristics are a brown-reddish fur, a pink nose and tongue, and a white breast and belly.

What are the physical characteristics of the wolf?

they can be black to white to gray hahahaha treated

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White in the winter, grayish in the warmer months.

What was the white lion?

A lion that was white.

What is the name of a white lion?

A white lion is known as a "white lion." It is a rare color mutation of the African lion, resulting from a genetic condition called leucism, which causes a reduction in pigmentation.

When was White Lion created?

White Lion was created in 1983.

What is the difference between the normal lion and the white lion?

The only tiny difference there is, the white lion is rare and white, the normal lion is not rare and tan. The white lion is born if their mother and father both carry the gene.

Why is the white lion white?

the white lion is white because of a jean inside on of its parents. a white lion does not need both of its parents to be white, the jean can belong to a tawny lion or lioness. they are endangered because poachers kill them because of their original colouring. but slowly the white lion population is growing.

What species is a white lion?

Panthera leo is the species of the lion - white or regular color.

Does a point have no physical characteristics?

No, a point does not have physical characteristics.

What is the food web of a white lion?

the white lion eats the zebras

Is the white lion feet plantigrade?

is the white lion feet plantigrade