A leech is a blood sucker that often lives in water. Female leeches have narrow mouths, broad bodies and shiny skin. Male leeches, on the other hand have broad mouths and narrow bodies.
An earthworm shares more common characteristics with a leech in terms of body structure and habitat preference. Both are classified as annelids and exhibit similarities in their elongated bodies and segmented structures. They also both typically inhabit moist environments such as soil or water.
The binomial name depends from the species;eg. Hirudo medicinalis is the binomial name of the European common leech.
Hirudinaria is the genus for a type of leech. Hirudinaria manillensis is a buffalo leech.
Yes, leeches reproduce sexually. They are hermaphroditic, meaning each leech has both male and female reproductive organs. During mating, they exchange sperm with another leech, and then each can lay eggs. After mating, leeches lay cocoons containing fertilized eggs, from which baby leeches hatch.
The type of leech that lives in an oval cocoon is a freshwater leech. These leeches create oval cocoons to lay their eggs and protect them until they hatch.
The physical characteristics of a leech is a sucker at each end of the body.
Breed a female ferroseed or ferrothorn with a male pokemon that knows leech seed. Male Pokemon with Leech Seed + female Ferroseed = Ferroseed with Leech Seed
Breed a male torterra or venusaur that know leech seed with female sceptile and voila treeko that knows leech seed
a bat
An earthworm shares more common characteristics with a leech in terms of body structure and habitat preference. Both are classified as annelids and exhibit similarities in their elongated bodies and segmented structures. They also both typically inhabit moist environments such as soil or water.
Parasitic because the leech feeds of the alligators blood and the alligator could get diseases and will fell pain.
Leeches are hermaphrodites, meaning each one of them has both female and male reproductive organs (ovaries and testes respectively). -Wikipedia
Leeches are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs. They have multiple gonads and copulate by intertwining their bodies and exchanging sperm to fertilize each other's eggs. The fertilized eggs are then deposited in a cocoon for development.
The genus of a leech is Haemopis.
leech = βδέλλα bdella leech= βδέλλα bdella
Leech is 6' 3".
A leech is a fasinating parasite