I would probably say Cavilier Charles Spaniel or English bulldogs are supposed to be great with kids. If you live on a farm especially a sheep farm a border collie would be a great herder.I know this because i have a Border Collie mixed with an Australian Shepherd and he likes to herd us sometimes.We live in the city and we have barely any yard room so he probably should be on a farm but i don't mind because i love dogs.
The best indoor dogs are typically small to medium-sized breeds that have lower energy levels and don't require a lot of exercise. Some good choices include Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, French Bulldog, Maltese, and Shih Tzu. Ultimately, the best indoor dog for you will depend on your lifestyle and preferences.
Breeds that are typically well-suited for indoor living include small breeds such as French Bulldogs, Pugs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and Shih Tzus. These breeds tend to adapt well to apartment or house living, require less exercise, and are generally low energy.
Some popular indoor large breed dogs include Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and Greyhounds. These breeds are known for being adaptable to indoor living, having good temperaments, and generally being good with families. Ultimately, the best indoor large breed dog will depend on your lifestyle and preferences.
indoor cats yes, outdoor cats **** no.
Some of the best inside dogs include small to medium-sized breeds like French Bulldogs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and Pugs. These breeds are known for their adaptability to apartment living, calm demeanor, and affectionate nature, making them great companions for indoor living.
Labrador Retrievers are known to be excellent indoor dogs as long as they get enough exercise and mental stimulation. They are affectionate, friendly, and adaptable to different living situations. However, it's important to provide them with plenty of opportunities for physical activity and training to prevent boredom and destructive behavior.
Breeds that are typically well-suited for indoor living include small breeds such as French Bulldogs, Pugs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, and Shih Tzus. These breeds tend to adapt well to apartment or house living, require less exercise, and are generally low energy.
Laminate and tile floors hold up the best with indoor dogs. Hardwood floors can be scratched by sharp nails, and carpet tends to stain from the occasional accident.
Yes. Even if there indoor dogs.
Use this dog breed selector http://animal.discovery.com/breedselector/dogselector.do
Some popular indoor large breed dogs include Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and Greyhounds. These breeds are known for being adaptable to indoor living, having good temperaments, and generally being good with families. Ultimately, the best indoor large breed dog will depend on your lifestyle and preferences.
Guide dogs don't use indoor plumbing. They are taught to do their business on command at the curb.
They are not dogs, they are cats. Are they indoor cats? Some people do keep them as pets but they take a lot of work as they are more to the wilder side of the species then a normal house cat
NO! Border collies have endless energy and must be constantly mentally and physically stimulated. They are best, of course, where they can herd sheep, as they were bred to do.
Advantage once a month topical flea treament for dogs and puppies is one of the highest rated in flea control for dogs. For cats, Revoltion is the best bet.
indoor cats yes, outdoor cats **** no.
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