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The only animal that occasionally preys on lions is the Nile crocodile.

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Lions don't have any natural predators.

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Lions (carnivores) are predators of zebras (herbivores).

Who are the predators of white lions?

Lions are apex predators. They are at the top of the food chain.

Who are lion predators?

Except humans and male lions, there are no major predators for the lions

What animals are predators to lions?

Lions have no natural predators. Lions are Apex Predators that are on the top of their food chain and have no natural predators that can kill adult lions. However young lions are vulnerable to Hyena's. Also, adult Elephants, Rhino's or Hippo's can injure or even kill lions when there is a face off but that happens very rarely.

Does the lion have predators?

Lions have no natural predators. Lions are Apex Predators that are on the top of their food chain and have no natural predators that can kill adult lions. However young lions are vulnerable to Hyena's. Also, adult Elephants, Rhino's or Hippo's can injure or even kill lions when there is a face off but that happens very rarely.

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Golden eagle's predators are mountain lions and leopards. Bald eagle's predators are mountain lions and alligators. Harpy eagle's predators are jaguars, mountain lions, tree pythons, and boa constrictors. Philippine eagle's predators are pythons.

What are predators for lions?

Predators of lions include other large carnivores such as hyenas, leopards, and sometimes crocodiles. However, adult lions are apex predators in their ecosystems and are not regularly preyed upon by other animals.

How do lions keep from getting eaten?

Lions don't actually have any natural predators,because they're apex predators and are the largest predators in africa.

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Are white lions gentle?

No. Lions are predators, no matter what color they are.