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They stand more than grey squirrels, so they are noticed more and get killed by predators. The population of red squirrels dropped and the grey squirrels passed on grey genes to their offspring. This is repeated over generations.

Hey presto!

You have more grey squirrels than red!

The main factor is that the Grey Squirrels came over to the UK (I'm not sure where from) and started eating more food then was fair for them, obviously not intentionally because animals don't think in that way. This meant there was a lack of food for the Red Squirrels, and so they became very rare. Although they can still be seen (if you're lucky!) in a few woodlands in the West Country and Scotland.

Hope this helped! If so, please support me by recommending me as a contributor. Also, anyone else who may know more about this subject than me, please feel free to add to this answer.




Although the Grey's eat more food than the Red's, this is intentional, as it's part of their competitive nature. Also the introduction of Grey's from America brought the Squirrel Poxvirus with them, which is another large factor to the decline of the Red Squirrel population.


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They are hunted

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i belive flying squarls never agsisted

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Why are squirrels endangered?

Squirrels are not currently considered endangered as a whole, but certain species may be at risk due to habitat loss, deforestation, and human activities. Conservation efforts are in place to protect these species and their habitats.

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The Northern flying squirrel is endangered in the southern part of its range, in the Appalachian mountains of Virginia and North Carolina. It is strictly protected in these areas by law.

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Habitat loss is usually to blame, but they are at this time (March 25th, 2011) listed with the IUCN as "Least Concern", which means they are not threatened, vulnerable, or endangered.

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A group of flying squirrels is called a "Dray".

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Yes there are flying squirrels in Missouri, in fact all over it. But you will almost never see them because they are very shy and nocturnal.

How often do squirrels drink water?

Squirrels may get water from lakes, rivers, water streams, and maybe even a swamp. there are many ways for a squirrel to get water i just cant explain them all.

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Richmond Flying Squirrels was created in 2009.

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depends upon the tree or object it is flying from/to.

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