Anti-predator adaptations are behaviors that animals have developed to warn other animals of predators. Group living with warning signals are some adaptations used.
No. A predator eats other animals called prey.
Predator means an animal that hunts other animals; or prey.
Not all meat eaters are called predators because the term "predator" specifically refers to animals that actively hunt and kill other animals for food. Some meat eaters, like scavengers and omnivores, consume meat but may not actively hunt for it.
A lot of animals hunt other animals. They are know as carnivores. Herbivores are the vegetarians, who eat plants and berries, etc. Some animals that hunt other animals are lions. Lions hunt any animal with meat that they can kill, such as a zebra. Tigers, and any other big cats do this. Birds hunt for other animals, too. They look for smaller animals, such as mice. Snakes also look for smaller animals like mice, too. Hope this helps.
There are many animals that will answer predator calls made with human voices. Examples of animals that will answer predator calls made with human voices include coyotes and foxes.
The cheetah hunts many animals small and large.
It is both. It preys on some animals and other animals prey on it.
When it eats some animals, but could also be eaten by other animals
puma panther
Predator animals are animals that prey on other animals. Predator animals include lions, tigers, alligators, crocs, eagles, vultures, hyenas, and other animals of that nature.
An animal is called a predator if it attacks other animals as food.
your mom is a prey to all animals
The rain deer is not a predator.... It is eaten by predatory animals,, such as wolves.
Anti-predator adaptations are behaviors that animals have developed to warn other animals of predators. Group living with warning signals are some adaptations used.
Leopards are the main predator of the Indian Mongoose
either way it's mainly predator not very many animals plan on killing this Arctic fox unless it's a polar bear.