There is no such language as "Creole". The word "Creole" refers to a category of languages that are a combination of 2 completely different languages. There are more than 100 different creole languages spoken in the world today. The most common creoles are English-based, French-based, and Spanish based creoles.
Tiger = Kaika
The word 'tiger' is a noun, a word for a thing.A noun is a word for a person, a place, or a thing.A verb is a word for an action or a state of being.Examples:The tiger stalks his prey. (the word 'stalks' is a word for an action)The tiger was in the tall grass. (the word 'was' is a word for a state of being)
The Cantonese word for tiger is 虎 (fu2).
In Spanish, 'horse' is 'caballo'. In French, it is 'cheval'. In Italian, it is 'cavallo'.
There is no such language as "Creole". The word "Creole" refers to a category of languages that are a combination of 2 completely different languages. There are more than 100 different creole languages spoken in the world today. The most common creoles are English-based, French-based, and Spanish based creoles.
"African" is not a language. Africa is a continent that contains 54 countries and more than 2100 completely different languages. Some estimates place the number of languages at around 3000.If you have any quesitons about African languages, you will have to specify the language.The most prominent languages spoken in Africa are:AfrikaansAmharicArabicEnglishFrenchFulaHausaIgboOromaSomaliSwahiliYorubaZulu
In different cultures and languages the spelling of a word will change. Different languages have different spellings for word than what you are used to when spelling a word in English. The word nut in Thai is spelled Krayasat.
There is no word 'alllaaaaah' in English.
A hybrid word is a word that is formed by combining elements from different languages. For example, "brunch" is a hybrid word that combines elements from "breakfast" and "lunch."
Different words for "Efficiency" in different language
In Japanese, it is 'ongaku.'