Only in fictional books, horror films and video games.
A pack consists of a bunch of other wolves, some of them might be related, but others might just be other wolves who joined in with the pack and are not related in any way.
Hank the Cowdog is a fictional character in a series of children's books written by John R. Erickson. He is described as a "head of ranch security," but his breed is not specified in the books. While some illustrations depict him as a scruffy mixed-breed dog, his specific breed is not officially identified.
there are 15 books in the Guardians of Ga'hoole series
Babar is a fictional elephant character in a popular children's book series created by Jean de Brunhoff. He is known for wearing a green suit and ruling the fictional kingdom of Celesteville.
Werewolves are fictional (not real).In fictional books, they can be found anywhere that wolves can be located.
There are currently 4 Wolves of The Beyond books.
It depends on what types of fictional books you are interested in. Many fictional books include Romance, Westerns, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Mystery, Horror, etc. Everyone has a different opinion of what are good fictional books, and you may find that most of those opinions don't sit well with you.
No, as there are no werewolves. Werewolves are fictional. They can only mate with other fictional characters.
"Wolves: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation" and "The Wolves of Isle Royale" are two non-fiction books about wolves by L. David Mech. Other books in that genre include: "Three Among Wolves: A Couple and Their Dog Live a Year with Wolves in the Wild" by Helen Thayer, "Of Wolves and Men" by Barry Lopez, "The Wolves of Yellowstone" by Michael K. Phillips.
It's called The Sight and its an excelelent ook
Factual books and fictional books.
Fictional books in the Science Fiction genre.
The stories in Goosebumps books are fictional.
Fictional books contain a story or narrative of made up events that may or may not have realistic references. Non-fiction books contain actual historical events.
Vampires are fictional, they turn into anything the author wishes them to.