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8mo ago

Sloths are known for their slow movement and sleep for about 15-20 hours a day. They spend most of their time hanging upside down in trees, where they eat leaves, shoots, and fruit. Sloths have a low metabolism and move very slowly to conserve energy.

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Q: What are some facts about a sloth?
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Related questions

What are some biotic factors of a sloth?

Some biotic factors of a sloth include the types of trees the sloth feeds on, the presence of predators like jaguars and harpy eagles, and the symbiotic relationships with algae and insects that help camouflage the sloth's fur.

A type of algae grows on a sloth what must be true for the algae and the sloth to have a commesal relationship?

The sloth must be helped by the algae in some way.

Is there a special name for a baby sloth?

A baby sloth is called a "sloth baby" or simply a "sloth." They do not have a specific unique name like some other animal babies (e.g., calf for a baby cow or cub for a baby bear).

What are some general adaptations of a sloth?

thier toes

What are some Taiga forest biome facts?

Its cold, it has many animals, including the Lynx, Caribou, some foxes, Hares, Deer, and more. The Taiga has many animals that went extinct, and that includes the Wooly Mammoth, The sloth, and the Saber-Toothed-Tiger.

What is a young sloth called?

A young sloth is called a baby sloth or a sloth baby.

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What are some causes of three-toed sloth endangerment?


What are some enimys of the the sloth?

A sloths enemy is a cat and a hawk.

What must be true for the algae and the sloth have a commensal relationship?

For algae and sloths to have a commensal relationship, the algae must benefit from living on the sloth (like receiving nutrients or protection) without harming or benefiting the sloth. The sloth must not be affected positively or negatively by the presence of the algae on its body.

What is the spanish word for sloth?

perezoso = sloth (the animal), and a slothful person. Pereza = sloth (the act of sloth or the mortal sin)

Does a sloth have toes?

Well, the names two toed sloth and three toed sloth refer to the claws on the "Feet" of the sloth