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Pentuplet is an improper or slang term for quintuplet, meaning a woman giving birth to five children. Much like twins are two babies, triplets are three, quad-four, quint-five, sex-six, sept-seven, oct-eight, and so on.

In music pentuplets are note-groupings (the term polyrhythm is common) in which a note value is divided equally in 5 instead of 2. They are distinguished by a bar ("beam") over or under them with the number 5 written nearby - usually above/below or in a break in the middle of the beam.

So, there are 2 quavers (half-beats) in a crotchet usually. If one were to put a quituplet-beam over 5 quavers (usually two-and-a-half beats altogether) they become shorter so that they evenly subdivide the beat in 5.

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8mo ago

"Pentuplets" is not a common term and may be a misspelling. "Quintuplets" refers to a set of five siblings born from the same pregnancy. Each child is known as a quintuplet.

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