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Mimicry is the similarity of one species to another that can protect one or both of them from predators. Some examples of mimicry are bugs that camouflage themselves to look like leaves or bugs that look like sticks.

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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 6mo ago

Some examples of mimicry can include Batesian mimicry, where a harmless species mimics a harmful one, and Mullerian mimicry, where multiple harmful species resemble each other for greater protection. Conversely, basic coloration or camouflage that does not involve imitation or deception would not be considered mimicry.

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What are examples of mimicry in the animal kingdom?

A butterfly looks like a flower, so the other animals won't eat it.

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There are many examples such as the viceroy butterfly (which is patterned very similar to toxic monarch butterflies).

What is mimicry How does it benefit the animals?

Just two examples of mimicry is a stick insect, whose shape resembles a stick, thereby hoping to be overlooked by a predator. There are certain harmless insects that wear the black and yellow warning stripes of a (stinging) wasp.

How do you use a sentence with mimicry?

Mimicry is the action of mimicking someone or something. One of her few strengths was her skill at mimicry.

How do mimicry help animals survive?

Mimicry can help animals survive by allowing the animal to avoid being eaten. It can act like a predator and scare away its own predators. There are many such examples of animals acting like something else to survive.

How do you write a sentence of mimicry?

A parrot is a bird that is known for its mimicry.

Does a dolphin Mimicry or Camouflage?

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How can you put mimicry in a sentence?

Many species practice mimicry.

Does a platypus exhibit mimicry?

No. Platypuses do not exhibit any form of mimicry.